Content Submission Agreement

This content submission agreement (Agreement) is effective as of the date of submission between The BDSM Training Academy Network (BTAN) and the submitting content producer (SCP) including authors/writers, models, photographers and videographers.

This agreement sets forth the conditions under which the submitting content producer (SCP) agrees to provide content to The BDSM Training Academy Network (BTAN).

  1. Services: submitting content producers will provide services for content production
    1. submitting content in the form of articles, photos, videos, ideas or other content to BTAN for use on any websites, social network and current and future works, publications or mediums
  2. Content: The SCP agrees that all content meets the following standards
    1. The SCP and all individuals involved in the production of said content must be 19+ years of age or older (or the legal age where the SCP resides).
    2. All content must be originally created by SCP. The SCP must be the owner of that content and have the right to be able to distribute that content to BTAN.
    3. If other individuals are involved in creation of said content, the SCP must have written permission from each individual involved to be allowed to distribute content to BTAN.
    4. Content must properly cite any quoted, referenced or republished material that is included in content
    5. Does not plagiarize third party content and does not infringe on copyrighted, trademarked material
    6. Content will not harass, attack, invade the privacy, defame or violate the rights of any individuals or groups of individuals
    7. Content does not promote illegal, unsafe, harmful and/or unhealthy behaviors including but not limited too unsafe, non-consensual sex, mental or emotional abuse, physical assault, and drug use
    8. All content shall abide by safe, sane (SSC) and consensual practices and/or risk aware consensual kink (RACK)
    9. Once payment is sent and content is published BTAN will not remove content
  3. Relationship Of Parties
    1. It must be understood that the SCP is an independent contractor in regards to BTAN and not an employee of BTAN. BTAN is not required to provide benefits to SCP as an independent contractor including but not limited too insurance, vacation pay or other employee benefits. SCP does not hold the right to any content developed by or for BTAN
  4. Ownership Of Property
    1. SCP agrees all submitted content is a “Work For Hire” under the copyright act. Thereby the SCP gives all rights, title and interest of submitted content to BTAN indefinitely, including copyrights and any other rights in law. BTAN has the right to publish, edit, alter, advertise, distribute, redistribute and use the content anytime, in part or full anywhere, in any form without notice or recognition. BTAN holds the right to use content at its sole discretion. The SCP can not sell or distribute the content in any way without written permission from BTNA.
  5. Terms
    1. Once payment has been sent for the content submitted BTAN hold the rights to use, publish and promote the content as BTAN sees fit, including on any website, social network, current and future works, publications or mediums. This condition continues indefinitely without termination.
  6. Indemnification
    1. The SCP agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless BTAN and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, obligations, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees) which arise in connection with SCP’s association with and/or contributions to BTAN
    1. This site (excluding third party linked sites) is controlled from its offices within the Province of British Columbia, Canada. It can be accessed from all countries around the world to the extent permitted by site. As each of these places has laws that may differ from British Columbia, by accessing this site, both SCP and BTAN agree that the statues and laws of British Columbia shall apply to any actions or claims arising out of or in relation to this Agreement or your use of this site, without regard to conflicts of laws principles thereof. SCP and BTNA also agree and hereby submit to the filing of any claim only in the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of British Columbia and any legal proceedings shall be conducted in English. The Company makes no representation that materials on this site are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and accessing them from territories where their contents are illegal is prohibited. This Agreement shall not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods.
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This site is for consenting adults

over 18+ years of age only!


By Clicking  "Yes, I am over 18+ years old" you agree the following statements are true:

* I am over 18+ years of age
* I will not allow any minors to access this site or any material found herein

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