Dom/sub journal

Dom/sub Journal: Are You Alone?

This world can seem very lonely when you first discover your kinks.  Most people will adamantly admit that BDSM is a disgusting perversion in public.  Lovers can become scarred off or lash out in anger if you even suggest trying out a lighter kink.  With nobody to talk to and no one to turn too, it can become a lonely existence living with your own […]

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Dom/sub Journal: Do you Dare?

Do you dare to be your true self? Do you dare to celebrate your desires?  Despite society accepting many different sexual lifestyles, BDSM is still considered an offensive and deplorable lifestyle choice.  This does not mean you should go out and reveal your desires to the public, as this can have serious consequences with your professional career, family and friends.  Each individual must make that

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Dom/sub Journal: The Importance Of Patience In Submissive Training

One of the most important characteristics for any Dominant or submissive to have is patience. The dictionary definition of patience is the ability to accept and/or tolerate trouble or suffering without becoming angry. While patience is crucial in many aspects of life it is even more important within submissive training. Losing your temper or becoming angry because things are not going the way you want

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Dom/sub Journal: What Is Your Purpose

A slave waiting patiently but feeling blind to their true purpose It is time to see W/we all need to feel like W/we have purpose in O/our lives.  A person who does not have any sense of purpose can suffer from feelings of depression, stress, and anxiety.  Their days overwhelm them despite much of the time they feel like they have nothing to do.  They

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Dom/sub Journal: Lead Or Follow?

Lead or Follow?  Dominant or submissive?  For many people this seems like such a silly question. If you are interested in BDSM then obviously you must know what you prefer.  However, this is one of the most complex questions within BDSM.  You must truly know yourself and your desires to understand your answer to this question.  Many people will say they are Dominant for years,

Dom/sub Journal: Lead Or Follow? Read More »

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