Helena Faye

Spanking Obsessions In Film

The Obsession with Spanking Scenes In Film

“Spanking, Always Up For A Bit of Spanking!” Discovering Spanko Sexualities Through TV and Film It’s a commonality among spankos that one or twice in our lives, we’ve watched spanking scenes on TV. Quite often, some of our first memories of spanking are of us being very young and witnessing a spanking scene in a TV show or film when we were innocently minding our […]

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Embrace Submission in Your Vanilla Life

How to Embrace Submission in Your Vanilla Life

The vanilla world is one realm where Dominants can often have less presence or influence in their submissive’s life, intentional or not. Unless you live with your Dominant in a 24/7 dynamic or your Dominant is often physically with you, the majority of vanilla situations in your life will likely occur without your Dominant’s immediate presence or guidance. This can be for better or worse!

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Paddle Spanking a Submissive In BDSM Play Scene

How To Respect And Follow Your Dominant’s Guidance In Their Absence In Kinky Situations

The presence of a Dominant can be hugely comforting in public. Having their guidance and being able to follow their lead in real time can relieve the stress and pressure of making decisions! But sadly our Dominants can’t follow us everywhere (or vice versa!) and often we must operate without their immediate guidance.

So let’s talk about how you as a submissive can respect and follow your Dominant’s guidance in kink settings when your Dominant is not physically present!

How To Respect And Follow Your Dominant’s Guidance In Their Absence In Kinky Situations Read More »

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