I have noticed that a few pop singers are starting to use BDSM images and fashion in their videos. The funny thing is I get the feeling that these pop stars are not really interested in the lifestyle. The sense I get is that perhaps if they wear some latex, brandish a whip and some rope, that they will become the next Madonna.

I must admit my feelings about these types of songs and videos are a bit torn. First, it could be good in that it does open a lot of people’s eyes to the lifestyle and how erotic and amazing it can be. Perhaps it might even give a person the courage they need to realize their deeper desires within the lifestyle.

At the same time, just trying to hop onto the next trend so you seem different and unique is kind of lame. With that said, these artists are trying to show how mature and sexually confident they are and they are doing that by showing their comfort with the BDSM lifestyle.

I would love to hear your opinions about the videos. What do you think they are trying to show? Do you think its good or bad for people in the lifestyle or new to the lifestyle? Just add your comment below.

You can watch both Christina Aguilera’s “Not Myself Tonight” and Rihanna’s “S&M” below.


Master Bishop

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