What BDSM Is Not

Just as with any different lifestyle you encounter, there are probably a lot of things that you have heard about BDSM – things that aren’t necessarily true.

Myth #1 – You can lock a person in a basement and torment them and call it BDSM.

The truth is that if the other person is not willfully consenting to this sort of interaction, it’s still against the law to hold someone against his or her will.

Myth #2 – You can beat someone senseless and call it BDSM

Again, unless the person asked for such a severe beating (and few people would), this too is against many laws and is not a recommended way to ‘play’ in a BDSM setting.

Myth #3 – BDSM is nothing more than abuse

Once again, this is a misinterpretation of the true motivations behind BDSM exchanges. While it’s true that many practitioners of BDSM engage in things like whipping and bondage, both partners do this willfully. Just because you’re in a BDSM relationship does not give you the right to take out your aggression on your partner. That is abuse.

Myth #4 – BDSM is a psychologically deviant condition

While the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders 4th edition) – might still refer to BDSM and related sexual practices as psychologically harmful, the choice of what you do behind closed doors is strictly up to you. Just as with putting on costumes for your partner or engaging in a little dirty talk, BDSM is another way to add a new dimension to your sex life. And for some, it has helped to foster better communication between partners, rather than cause the relationship to become less strong.

In the end, your own personal definition of BDSM is going to be your own. And while you might hear otherwise, it can be a completely satisfying and safe way to engage in a dominant – submissive relationship.

Everyone else just hasn’t taken the time to properly research it. To learn more about BDSM and Dominant/submissive relationships

Yes, it’s true there are some nuts out there that have done things to give BDSM a bad name, but they are few and far between. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t avoid them at all costs.

To Your Future Growth,

Master Bishop

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