Too Old for BDSM?

When the gray in your hair begins to overtake your natural color, you might begin to look over the things you’re doing in your life to see if changes need to be made. If you’re into BDSM, you might wonder if you need to hang up your whip and your gag and go back to vanilla sex. After all, your body isn’t as limber as it used to be and you might actually cause some permanent damage – or will you? In truth, BDSM sessions may have to change gradually as you begin to age, but this doesn’t mean they have to stop altogether. There are plenty of senior BDSM players out there that are still enjoying their sex life, whips, chains, and all. But you might want to think about making a few slight adjustments.

Changing Up Your Routine

If you’re beginning to feel your sessions the next day, and not in a good way, you might want to start taking a little more time off between very intense sessions as you grow older. This will help your body recuperate and it will allow you the chance to try out other BDSM events like verbal power exchanges and humiliation. Those can happen even if you’re exhausted and your back is hurting you, after all.

For more ways to talk dirty, power exchange and humiliation games
go to ==> Dominatrix Dirty Talk

You might also want to vary the positions you use when you are in bed as this will help prevent too much pressure from being put onto any one part of your body. Also, if you notice any aches and pains, check with your doctor first to see what you can do and to get it on record that you have these troubles now. From there, you can monitor when they get worse and when they get better – it might not be BDSM’s fault at all.

Checking In With Each Other

Communication is going to become much more important when you are growing older in your BDSM practice. You will want to make sure you have a system in which you tell each other when things hurt or when you can’t actually move into a position anymore. This way, you can both have the experience you want to have without getting harmed in the process. For example, a Master or Mistress might simply get tired more easily, so that might be a factor in your BDSM play that needs to be addressed. By taking the time to check in with each other, you will ensure nothi9ng goes unsaid and unaddressed.

Always Ways to Adjust

The great thing about BDSM becoming more popular these days it that it means there are more fun BDSM props to use in your practice. You might want to add things like a foam pillow system that will help to prop up a slave when they are in bondage, supporting them so that they can stay in position without pain. If gags are getting to be too much, you might want to choose ring gags that allow for breathing, while still constricting the speech. Or you might just want to consider doing more scenes in a chair or on a comfy couch to help makes things easier on the slave. The Master or Mistress might want to choose implements which are easier for them to use – i.e. cattle prods or long handled paddles. Without needing a lot of force, these items can still pack a wallop.

Just because you can get more discounts at your favorite restaurants on Tuesdays doesn’t mean you need to give up your BDSM practice. You just might want to change things up a bit to ensure your BDSM days are able to get better and better – after all, many things taste better with age.

The Calming Tantric Techniques and the forgotten secret to BDSM videos
are both low impact experiences that anybody can use. If used properly
they will heighten any Dom/sub relationship/scene while helping to comfort,
relax and even aid in the bodies recovery.

To learn more visit ==> BDSM Training Videos


Master Bishop

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1 thought on “Too Old for BDSM?”

  1. Master Bishop Thank you for all of the information. You have no idea how much you have helped me. The one thing you stated when I first signed up for this information was about the safety. And I and so grateful for that you have no idea just how much I truly am. Thank you for giving me a chance to receive all the information you send me.

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