Subtle Tattoos of Slavery

A slave who is dedicated to being a slave to a particular Master or Mistress might want to show their intention with something more permanent than a paper contract. Or a slave who is simply dedicated to being a slave for life might want to create a permanent marking on themselves to help remind them of their purpose and their goal in life. Tattoos can fit the bill in either situation. Permanent and personal, tattoos can offer a slave an experience of pain and pleasure, which can then continue to remind them of what they have promised to do in their life, one training session at a time.

The Mark of the Slave

For many slaves, the idea of a tattoo might be a very personal choice. They might have been thinking about how to put a permanent marking on themselves and to begin to show others that they have a different purpose in life than it might seem. From having the word ‘slave’ or ‘slut’ on their bodies, they can begin to think of themselves as being in this role, no matter what they are doing and no matter what they have to do in their lives. As a slave, they will make certain decisions based on this role or they might simply seek out situations in which they can fulfill this role. Others might want to create a personal tattoo which is hidden from the world, hidden in a place only a Master or Mistress might see it and see that their slave is committed to their training.

Branding and Commitment

Some Mistresses and Masters might want their slaves to have certain tattoos because they want to brand what they own for all to see. Though a collar might be a good way to do this as well, those BDSM relationships which are dedicated to more intense training and a more intense partnership might want to do more. By branding the slave, in a sense, with a certain word, phrase, or image, the slave will constantly be reminded of what they have to do, how they need to do it, and to whom they belong. The longer the relationship between the Dominant and the submissive, the more the tattoo will mean and the more it will symbolize to both partners.

A Collar for Life?

But while the idea of a tattoo is very appealing, it is also very permanent. Though there are ways to remove tattoos, these ways are expensive and not always completely effective. Taking the step to put a slave tattoo on your body is not something which should be done carelessly. There are some things you will want to keep in mind before you head out for the ink:

  • Others will see it eventually.
  • Your doctor will see it during physicals and emergencies.
  • It will not go away.
  • The tattoo will change as your body changes.

For some people, the tattoo is something that is just too permanent, so they might have a ritual in which they draw a certain word or a symbol on their body before a BDSM session. This way, it still shows the commitment to the Master or Mistress, but it does not cause the slave to be permanently altered.

Those who are looking into tattoos in order to make their BDSM relationship more committed might want to spend a little more time thinking about their decision before they commit.

Do you what a slave tattoo? If so, why and what do you want it to look like? Do you have a slave tattoo, why did you get it and what does it look like? Please share your in the comments section below.

W/we can all grow when W/we share what W/we know.


Master Bishop

The founder of the BDSM Training Academy. Master Bishop has been involved in the Dominant/submissive lifestyle for over 15 years. With a love for education both learning and teaching, Master Bishop has passed on his knowledge and experience to others entering into the BDSM lifestyle for over 12 years. Join Master Bishop on Google+


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