How To Set The Mood

Whether you’re a submissive or a Dominant, the mood of the scene you will be in matters. How you take the time to setup your scene and how much thought you put into creating just the right mood for that particular session will help to enhance your time together. There are many simple ways to create the sort of scene you want – dark, romantic, sensual, intense, etc. All you need to do is to keep in mind the different senses: sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste. Try to involve as many of these as possible and you will be sure to make tonight’s session the best ever.

Need to learn more fun and exciting ways on how to start a BDSM scene

Share the mood

Choose The Best Location

The best scenes use the best locations. Even if you’re simply using your everyday bedroom, choosing a place where you can feel safe and sensual is the best starting point. This room should also be private and it should be somewhere you can move around easily, as needed. Some people prefer to take their subs to clubs if they want to practice humiliation techniques and control techniques. Others prefer the privacy of their own homes when no one else is around to let the energy build as much as they can. Find a place where you and your partner can be comfortable and then you can begin to further create the mood.

Lighting and Music Ideas

It’s almost become clichéd that BDSM scenes have hard gothic rock music or something more of a New Age tone. These songs tend to be quite intense and mirror the scene’s energy. Look for music that has the tempo you feel will be created during the scene – some favorites are Enigma, Portishead, Type O Negative, Tool, etc.

For lighting, you need to keep in mind that there should be enough light to see what you’re doing and experiencing, but not so much light that it seems too bright. But again, different scenes call for different lighting needs. The soft glow of candlelight can be perfect for a more romantic mood, while brighter lights and spotlights might work well for role playing scenes.

Upping The Anticipation

In addition to setting the mood before the scene by laying out the potential toys and devices beforehand, you can also help a sub really get into the mood by using these techniques:


When you use blindfolds, you can cause the sub to not know exactly what’s going on, which can heighten their anticipation. They can hear everything that’s happening, but they don’t know exactly what to expect or when to expect it.

Letting the sub see what’s there

As mentioned before, laying out the different sex toys and paddles (for example) you might use during a scene can make a sub wonder what exactly might happen during the session. Even more powerful for building the mood? Give the sub a list of things to lay out for them to use and then ask them to clean them as needed as well. This will make the sub’s mind race and will cause them to be ready to serve when the scene starts.


Binding the sub and then slowly building the scene

If blindfolds aren’t as effective in your relationship, using bondage can often help to keep the sub from moving around or away from what you intend to do to them. To learn how to create intense
bondage scenes go to ===> Rope Bondage Tutorial

Other ways to enhance the mood of a scene is to light incense, include foods and other sensory items like ice, wax, etc. You might also want to include certain words and phrases that might help to set the mood for the sub as well as get you into the mindset as the Dominant.


To learn more tips and ideas on how to incorporate bdsm training into your life visit ===> BDSM Training Tuto

Alpha Dominant With Suit And Tie

By Master Bishop

The founder of the BDSM Training Academy. Master Bishop has been involved in the Dominant/submissive lifestyle for over 19 years. With a love for education both learning and teaching, Master Bishop has passed on his knowledge and experience to others entering into the BDSM lifestyle for over 14 years.

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