MythBusting WaterSports Kink

Myth-busting Watersports Kink

Possibly the most misunderstood fetish of all time

Content warning ahead: We’re going to talk about pee, we’re going to talk about it a lot, and we’re going to learn new things together. If you’re reluctant to do so and this is too much information for you, maybe think about coming back another time?

Piss play (AKA Watersports) is a whole little wing of fetishes on its own in the secluded corner of the BDSM kink rainbow. It’s considered “edge play” by most, sometimes even advanced play. A whole lot of how you think about watersports play depends on how you were raised. If your bathroom was in an environment that was all closed doors and hushed discussion, you might regard pee play as being too taboo to approach.

Contrary to that, if you were raised in a more casual environment where the bathroom door was left open, and your parents didn’t even care if you peed on a tree outside once in a while, you may be more accepting of pee play as “no big deal.”

Watersports are considered so taboo by even the sex-positive portion of society that such content is banned on adult streaming platforms. There’s a “chilling effect” on this fetish, too, because people with this set of fetishes are hesitant to bring them up with partners.

Let’s burst open the dam and remove the mystery of this exotic set of kinks. Let’s dive right in!

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Pee Play Kink

Myth #1: It’s Not Just About Humiliation

You can consider watersports a set of fetishes, all of them having the act of urination related in some form. People can be into one aspect of watersports without being open to all of them, while others love anything to do with it.

Let’s meet the watersports category of activities:

So there’s a lot going on in pee fetishes, and there’s more popular variations besides. One popular porn subject you’ll find out there is the “self-pee,” where someone curls upside down (or scoots up against a wall) to pee on themselves – like a selfie golden shower.

A lot of pee play is a matter of psychological kinks, rather than the physical aspect. There are submissives out there who will take a butt-whipping all day long but cringe at the idea of being peed on. This more-mental-than-physical nature is one of the handy aspects of watersports play: It’s versatile and can be used for scenes without the need for causing physical pain, or making a lot of noise. It’s also an easy fetish to perform remotely and for the camera, whether camming professionally or video-calling with a partner.

People who enjoy watersports fetishes frequently cite one of these aspects as the attraction:

But again, different people will have different attitudes. Some couples shower together and mingle their pee without a second thought, just rinsing it off and being done with it. Indeed, some people classify watersports as mild play while others consider it more edge play. Everybody is different and that is what makes BDSM and fetishes so wonderful.
Pee Play Kink

Myth #2: Pee Play Can Be 100% Safe

Many people simply have a phobia about pee – and that’s OK! But the kink community is rife with misinformation about the relative safety of watersports play. While there are some precautions and caveats, most people can engage in pee play in complete safety.

Watersports Don’ts

So, here are some precautions; you shouldn’t risk some aspects of pee play if any of the following apply to you:

  • You’re taking prescription medication – Your urine can pass on some medications to the person drinking it.
  • You have STDs – Sexually transmitted diseases can be passed by urine as well as by any other bodily fluid.
  • You have pre-existing medical conditions involving the urinary tract – This includes the kidneys, bladder, and urethra tract. If you’re prone to UTIs – a common complaint – then messing around with your urination is not for you. If you have kidney or other health issues, ingesting urine is not wise.

Take the Heavy Play Slow

We should add that the heavier aspects of pee play do put some strain on the body. So restricting a person’s peeing opportunities might be ideal for a weekend play session, but you wouldn’t want to do it all the time. By the same token, consuming some pee is trivial for your system, but chugging it all day every day can put a huge tax on your kidneys.

So that’s the first rule of watersports safety: Practice in moderation and give your body plenty of breaks. Of course, this doesn’t apply to any activity that doesn’t disrupt the body’s normal functions. Your urinary tract is just as happy whizzing in a toilet, at a tree, or down your slave’s face in the bathtub.

Avoid Water Intoxication

There is also one important rule in watersports play: Watch your electrolytes! Chugging huge quantities of water in too short a time can cause a deadly condition called hyponatremia, where blood sodium levels are so low that the body can shut down. This is the same reason athletes drink sports drinks. If you are guzzling bottles of liquid in anticipation of peeing a lot for your hot watersports date, make sure that either one of them is a sports drink, or that you eat something salty with your liquid (a handful of crackers will do).

So, what is the limit of plain, H2O water one should drink at once? Your kidneys process one liter of water per hour, and that’s probably a good rule of thumb although a normal, healthy adult should be able to drink a bit more than that in an hour without incident – two liters or 64 ounces in an hour would be the limit. In the US of A, we’re used to buying 32-ounce fountain drinks and gulping them down on the road, so we obviously exceed one liter per hour occasionally. But fountain drinks are rich in sodium anyway, so they can also help to ward off hyponatremia.

Drinking Pee Safely

On the subject of drinking, we will also mostly support the common statement that “pee is sterile.” As urine leaves the urethra – yes, pee is mostly sterile, unless the giver is hosting an infection of some sort. And sitting in a container, pee is mostly harmless. But it does eventually “go bad” in that bacteria and other nasties will eventually populate it. So it’s best consumed fresh.

But you should limit this too, as consuming nothing but piss for too long puts strain on your kidneys having to filter all that out again. You want to be nice to your kidneys! They’re one of those organs that you never notice until they fail, and then you’re in deep trouble. Ideally, you’re limiting your body to what you feel you can tolerate. We’re not about to put a hard number on this because everyone’s tolerance is different, but let’s call “one liter of urine per day” plenty.

Safety Summary…

Our final take-aways of watersports safety tips:

  • Don’t strain your body to its physical limits
  • Practice common sense
  • Be in good health and free of drugs in your system before exchanging bodily fluids with a partner
Pee Play Kink

Myth #3: Urine Doesn’t Have To Taste Bad

Somehow, it became common knowledge among the sexually active that consuming pineapple juice improves the taste of semen, and yet even most watersports fetish groups don’t seem to be aware that similar hacks exist for urine taste. They do! To wit, rules for the one supplying the pee:

  • If you’re hydrated enough that your pee is a light, almost-clear color with a yellow tint, it will also taste more like mildly salty water than urine.
  • Avoid consuming any of these: red meat, artificial sweeteners, asparagus, coffee, alcohol, onions, garlic.
  • While pineapple specifically doesn’t seem to help much, eating fruit seems to improve urine taste in general.

Granted, some watersports practitioners either don’t care about urine taste (they’re not drinking it), or consider strong-tasting urine a feature (for extra sadism). Whatever floats your boat…

Pee Play Kink

Myth #4: You Can’t Die From A Naturally Full Bladder

In 2007, a radio station sponsored a contest to win a game console called “hold your pee for a Wii.” Sadly, a woman who participated in that contest later went home and died. The cause was determined to be water intoxication (yes, hyponatremia yet again!). But this was in 2007, the first years of popular internet discussion boards, and somehow, the rumor spread that holding your bladder and refraining from urinating can kill you all by itself.

Well, no, it doesn’t work that way. As we know from anybody who’s tried to hold back pee and failed, your muscles will defensively unlock and let the urine out anyway when your body senses that its at the stress point. The bladder can only politely ask to be emptied so many times before the urethral sphincters open the floodgates anyway.

Note that we’re cautious to specify: A naturally full bladder (as opposed to advanced medical play like filling it with a catheter). And we’re saying under normal circumstances, holding a full bladder long enough to be at the pee-pee-dance stage is not harmful. In fact, holding your liquid uses the same muscles as Kegel exercises, so giving them a little workout once in a while is actually beneficial.

Bladder-Holding Don’ts:

All bets are off in non-normal circumstances, so…

  • Don’t practice this fetish if you’re prone to urinary tract infections. Keeping yourself clean and sterile down there helps, but generally, some people are really sensitive, prone to UTIs at any time, and are just out of luck with this fetish.
  • Don’t practice this fetish to excess. Your bladder is a muscle, after all, and is subject to the same problems any muscle can have: by being strained, cramped, or worn out. Holding your pee to the bursting point on a daily basis is too risky, as it can lead to issues with incontinence or kidney/urinary issues later in life.
  • Never obstruct the urethra! Trying to force your bladder to stay full is another danger altogether, because urine backed up into the kidneys is bad for kidneys – you don’t want to risk those!

So, when we talk about watersports play, we don’t mean to go overboard, so to speak. The human bladder on average holds about a half-liter at a time, but true watersports Olympians manage to up that quota to a liter or more.

So yes, bladders can stretch quite a bit without too much issue, since holding liquid is their job. But we’re still not talking pushing things farther than you would on a normal basis, say, holding off urinating because you’re stuck in traffic, in line at a concert, waiting for your break at work, and so on.

Pee Play Kink

Myth #5: Watersports is a Rare Fetish

The popularity of a fetish is notoriously hard to pin down through any kind of statistical sample or survey. On top of that, even compared to other kinks, people seem especially reluctant to talk about their wet fetish.

Loose surveys of the active adult alt-lifestyle population seem to point towards roughly ten percent to thirty percent of the fetish community have some form of urine-related fetish. FWIW, some 30% of American adults claim to have interest in some kind of fetish, so that suggests the percentage of watersports fans as at least a solid 5% of adults.

Physical Sensations of Watersports

There are anatomical justifications for some watersports fetishes as well. In female-assigned anatomy, the bladder, when full, presses on the clitoris from inside. The catch is, not all women feel stimulated from this, but a sizable fraction do.

Health consultant Celeste Holbrook, PhD, explains that women can feel horny because they need to pee. “A full bladder can push onto some of the more sensitive and arousing parts of the genitalia, such as the clitoris and its branches.” Indeed, many, many female-assigned pee fetishists out there swear by this, and express preference for masturbating or having sex with a full bladder.

In male-assigned set-ups, the full bladder presses on the sacral nerve, a nerve which activates the male erection. So that’s why you guys out there are waking up with a morning boner and yet in dire need of a leak.

It stands to reason, then, that, even though this doesn’t apply to everybody, some people get an extra horny-charge out of a full bladder. Of course, when emptying the bladder, people also speak of having a “pee-gasm.” So clearly, watersports fetishes have a number of plain old biological explanations.

Pee Play Kink

A Flood of Watersports Answers!

Thank you readers for joining us on this cruise! We hope you had all your general watersports fetish questions answered in one place. We tried to avoid making too many puns, but they just kept trickling out.

In a nutshell, light watersports-play is harmless, and even the heavier stuff is harmless when practiced in moderation. The sheer number of professional adult performers who do watersports scenes of every sort attests that it can be done without long-term harm. As with every activity in BDSM, common sense limits apply.

As a final thought: We could all learn to be a lot less squeamish about other people’s thrills. As we say in the BDSM community, “don’t yuck somebody else’s yum.” It’s a shame that such a relatively harmless interest draws such a panic reaction from others, but you can blame messy biology yet again.

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Sir Finagle

A lifestyle Master married 32 years and counting, Sir Finagle is a freelance author and blogger residing in the kinky Midwest. A combination of humorist, teacher, essayist, hedonist, and agnostic prophet, Finagle writes to illuminate the darker corners of culture, science, and history.

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