Pregnancy and BDSM

People from all walks of life enjoy BDSM. Some might enjoy some role playing with BDSM themes, while others live a life of 24/7 BDSM. No matter what you might practice, life has obstacles which may change the way you can approach your sex life. Pregnancy, for example, is something which can be a blessed event, and one that does not need to impede your BDSM life. You will need to make certain adjustments, to be sure, but you can still be just as frisky as you were before you found out the baby news.

Talking with the Doctor

If you’re a Mistress or a female slave, you need to talk with your doctor about your sex life when you’re pregnant. While you might think they’d never understand, realize that most doctors have already heard all there is to hear from their patients. And your story is no different and not going to be something which shocks them. By talking to your doctor in detail about what you do in your bedroom, you will allow them to monitor any changes in your health based on your history. While it might seem like this is unnecessary, it actually is quite necessary so that when problems do arise in your pregnancy, your sex life can be ruled out as a cause.

What’s Off Limits

With your newly pregnant body, it’s time to think about keeping that baby safe. Some doctors will tell you that overexerting yourself is something which will harm the baby. This is true if you haven’t already been overexerting yourself in the past. If you’re in fairly good shape, you can keep up the whipping and the paddling as a Mistress, but you need to make sure you’re not overdoing it. It might be a good idea to put on a discreet heart rate monitor to check to see that you’re keeping your heart rate in a healthy range, as prescribed by your doctor.

As a pregnant slave, this might be a good time to focus less on physical training and more on mental training as a slave. Your Master might begin to teach you how to be a servant slave or how to follow certain commands as quickly as possible. Hitting your body with any sort of implement is not a good idea as it’s not certain whether physical pain can translate into stress for a baby.

A New Way of Control

Bondage can be tricky as well since the pregnant body will only be able to lie on its side after a certain point of the pregnancy. The weight of the baby presses on the vena cava and can cause decrease in blood flow that can not only hurt the baby but the pregnant mother as well. Bondage should not be as restrictive as any circulation loss can upset the fetus. It should also be simple and quick to get out of, in case there are any problems. Don’t do bondage for extended periods and if you ever feel uncomfortable or pain in a position don’t fight through it, get out of the position immediately and move into a more comfortable position.

Control might also take the form of task lists to accomplish rather than physical sessions. This will be a time when the Master and the slave, or the Mistress and the slave will need to change the way they look at the control, but it can actually be helpful in the long run after the baby is born.

Once the baby is born, the pregnant participant of the BDSM relationship will need to rest for a few weeks to recover and to heal, depending on the birth and on the orders of the doctor. But once that time is up (assuming the couple still has the energy after caring for a child), BDSM can continue where it left off. Or some find the new and more mentally-focused BDSM to be more convenient, and perhaps even more challenging than before.

To learn more about how to keep a safe, sane and consensual lifestyle while adding more life to your BDSM play visit ===> The BDSM Training Tutorial

***Please note: This article is not meant to replace professional medical advice. It is important (and your responsibility) that you the reader speak with your doctor before participating in any BDSM activities while pregnant.


Mistress Brianne

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