Using Rough Textures in BDSM

When you are interested in changing the way that you play with another person, you need to switch things up. Though they might like the sensation play that you do, over time, anyone will grow accustomed to the way that something feels on their skin. And since you can’t always use something harder on a person, you need to find new textures that will help to add a little spice to the bedroom, as well as a bit of pain.

Head to Your Tool Supply Center

One interesting texture that your slave will not be expecting is sandpaper. The coarser the grit, the more effective it can be on the skin. All you need to do is lightly stroke it over the skin and over more sensitive areas to heighten the arousal and to begin to create a higher degree of sensation. You can test out different textures of sandpaper to see what will work best for you. You can also add the sandpaper to different implements in your dungeon to see what sort of reaction your slave might have to them. Look at different things like clamps, grips, and bungee cords that might cause your slave to feel something new when they’re all tied up and waiting to see what you might do next.

Head to Your Craft Store

If you look around your local craft store, you will see there are a number of different types of rope and twine that can perfectly truss up the slave in your life. When you choose rougher textures like hemp, you will find that the slave will respond in a different way, and it may keep them more restrained than they might have been with your typical softer rope and other bondage implements. One fun way to play with this type of rope is to use it on the skin when it’s slightly wet. It will feel good on the slave’s skin, but as the scene moves on and the rope begins to dry, it will tighten up the rope and cause the slave to realize they’re in quite the predicament.

Head to Your Automotive Shop

You might not realize it, but your car actually has a wonderful torture device in it already – the car mats. When you flip these mats over, you will see they generally have little spikes on the underside, which allow the mats to stay in their places. But when you have a slave sit or kneel on these small spikes, you will begin to notice just how much pain small things can inflict. You can use these mats on the bottom of a chair seat, as your slave is trussed up. Or you can use them in other scenes where the slave’s back might be pushed up against the wall, and you can then slide the mat between them and the wall.

Remember, you want to find new ways of inflicting pain, or at least new sensations to your slave’s body. This allows them to have a new experience every time they’re in the dungeon, while also having the opportunity to push themselves a little further in terms of what they can handle and what they can withstand.

Take some time to walk with (or without) your slave in everyday stores to see what might be able to be used as a method of torture for a slave. Everyday items can have nefarious uses when you also think creatively and you think about what you can do that a slave will not expect.

For more ways to add new sensations to your Dom/sub relationship go to BDSM Slave Training Tutorial


Master Bishop

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